Saturday, January 1, 2011

In like a unicorn.

Happy New Year!

I got in my last run of the year with the Run Through Time 5K race at UVic last night.  It's always a really fun event, the proceeds go to great causes, and as a bonus, I got to run it alone without the stroller.  Peter hung out with the girls while I went out and ran my best ever time in a 5K race: 22:55!  Very pleased indeed.

While I was out on the course, I remembered that I ran this race last year when I was almost six-months pregnant with Haven.  It turned out to not only be my last run of the year, but also the last run of my pregnancy.  I had a fairly easy time running while pregnant with Sonja and ended up running until I was almost eight-months pregnant.  My second pregnancy proved much tougher when it came to running; I just didn't enjoy running past the five-month mark, so I gave it up.

After the run last night, we went home, got the girls to bed and had a nice, low-key Eve:  gin and tonic and Mad Men.  I got quite tipsy off one drink and reminded myself what a lightweight I am.  Better than the opposite, I suppose!

This morning, we bundled up the kids and took Jett out for a birthday walk; he's nine years old today.  Sonja wore her new unicorn toque, much to my delight.

I hope everyone out there had a great New Year's.  I'm really looking forward to 2011, and I'm not the only one.  There have been so many "good riddance 2010" sentiments on Facebook and Twitter, I've lost count.  I think I'm in the minority, since 2010 will always be the year we welcomed our precious babe, Haven.  Everything else melts away, you know?

1 comment:

  1. Love it!
    I agree... 2010 was the best year ever!
    Well, since 2004 at least ;)
