Friday, December 31, 2010

Toast-crust torture.

If you took the time to watch the video, you saw a tortured dog.  Poor Jett.  Poor spoiled, babied puppy, who goes through his pampered life thinking how underfed, neglected and unloved he is.  Sigh.

Haven is at the stage where animals are squeal-inducing fascinations.  Any time she gets near Jett, she just wants to grab him and get her mouth on the nearest bit: tail, paw, collar, ear.  Jett is patient, but more than that, he is accustomed to suffering in silence, his pleading eyes searching for Peter or me, wordlessly appealing for rescue.  He is simply amazing with the girls and I do my best to teach them to be gentle and not to overdo it; Jett is part of our family, he has feelings and he needs to be respected.

The one area where Jett gets little help or sympathy from me is when it comes to the kids' food.  He is allowed to clean up table scraps, but only after everyone is finished eating.  Jett sees this as cruel, I am sure.  In protest, he sits at a distance from the table, watches all the food dropping onto the floor, and drools continuously in hopes that I will walk through his drool puddles in my bare feet.  I seldom disappoint.  Jett's drool has a texture and viscosity reminiscent of a slightly-thinned-out slug slime (having once stepped on a slug in my bare feet, I can attest to this).  As it is his only means of effective protest, I simply scrape the bottom of my feet with paper towel and chalk another one up to Jett.  But he still has to wait until supper is completely over; I don't budge on this rule, drool puddles or no drool puddles.

Before Haven was eating solid food, Jett often got to eat Sonja's toast crusts.  I would either cut them off and give them to him, or he would get them when she was finished, since she seldom eats them.  But now Haven quite enjoys toast crusts, so I almost always cut a couple off Sonja's toast and give them to her.  Jett is understandably unimpressed with this arrangement, so when I filmed the video of Haven gnawing on Jett's favourite treat, it was easy to describe it as torture.

Just watch as Haven keeps dropping the crust on the floor; see how Jett watches every move.  Notice also how he keeps looking over in my direction as if imploring me to do something to rectify this ridiculous situation.  In Jett's mind, the toast crust is rightfully his.  This kid doesn't even know how to eat it properly for goodness sake!  Eventually I take pity on him and toss him the last of my own toast.  He swallows it and quickly refocuses on Haven's crust.

One of my favourite parts of this video is when Haven tries to grab Jett's paws over and over and he keeps pulling them away.  He's so gentle about it, but he keeps his eyes on the crust and licks his chops.  It's as if he's trying to tell Haven "no paws until you hand over the crust, Kid."  Just cracks me up.  

Near the end of the video, Jett moves his paws out of Haven's reach, and looks at me in disgust.  So demeaning.

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