Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nap snap.

Sonja's nap days may be all but numbered.  Up until a few months ago, she would be asleep between noon and one o'clock and she would sleep for one to two hours.  Now I'm struggling to get her to sleep by two o'clock and then I have to wake her up so that she doesn't sleep too long and sabotage her bedtime.  And since nap time (when Sonja and Haven are both asleep) is my prime writing time, I am pretty bummed that I may soon lose the most quiet time of my day.

Already there are days when Sonja simply doesn't nap.  She'll have been in her room for up to two hours, seemingly asleep, when I'll hear a muffled noise, go to her room and find her playing on her bed surrounded by dolls.  Even as I write this, I suspect a similar scene is unfolding behind her closed door.  My first inclination is to go in there and remind her that it is nap time and she needs to go to sleep.  I've already been in there twice to do just that.  But then my mind nudges me and says, "Smarten up.  Two hours of quiet time is two hours of quiet time."

So do I keep up the ruse?  Do I keep putting her down for her "nap", knowing she won't sleep, but also knowing she'll keep the noise to a minimum in order to try to fool me into thinking she's sleeping?  Hmm.  I actually feel very OK with that.

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