Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wavin' Haven.

Haven has always been a social girl. From the time she was capable of eye contact, she has loved people and done her utmost to engage them. She is a total flirt. We have always been popular in the grocery store because while Haven entertains everyone with her smile and her big blue eyes, Sonja charms and amazes people with her skills handling the mini grocery cart. 

I have noticed a difference in our grocery shopping experience lately. Well, maybe not a difference, but an enhancement.  

Several times in the last couple of weeks, I have looked up from my shopping to see people, all types of people, looking in my direction and smiling and giving a little wave. It always takes me a second to realize they are waving and smiling at Haven, who is beaming at them and waving excitedly. 

Haven has discovered that when you wave to someone, they will wave back. As a result, when we shop she spends her entire time trying to catch someone's eye so she can wave to them. And her success rate is pretty near perfect; apparently it pays to be small and adorable.


  1. And freakin' adorable she is!!

  2. Well.... its certainly not hard to want to wave at one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen!!! So can't wait to meet her!

  3. I want to wave just looking at her pictures! LOL She is "Miss Personality Plus". I want to meet her, too!
