Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Double the fun.

Today was Haven's first swim and Sonja's first swim since Haven was born.  I just haven't had the nerve to take them both swimming on my own, but our friend Shelby and his three-year-old son Morgan were going to Commonwealth pool and Shelby asked if we wanted to join them.  I said yes and was relieved when he said he would look out for both Sonja and Morgan so I could focus more on Haven.  The swim was really fun and I wish I'd gotten more pictures, but it's tough without a waterproof camera and also tough with an impatient toddler dying to get into the water.  She was just so excited.

Not impressed that I'm making her pose for pictures instead of getting in the pool.

"Now Mama?"  Yes, now.

The swim was lots of fun.  Sonja got to play with Morgan and explore the pool and play on the big pirate ship.  I did some exploring with Haven, but mostly we sat in the warm kiddie pool with the other little babes.  Very nice indeed.

I used to take Sonja to the pool quite regularly, for swimming lessons and also just for fun.  It was a good time for both of us and a great way to eat up a couple hours.  And it was also a lot of work.  Before the swim: changing, stuffing things into lockers, showering, convincing Sonja to slow down and not run.  After the swim: showering, getting dressed, trying not to let dry clothes fall onto wet floors, corralling Sonja while I got dressed, packing away wet suits and towels, convincing Sonja to slow down and not run.  Exhausting.

And now I've gone and multiplied the whole experience by having another baby.  Way to go.

If you had been standing outside our family change room (a brilliant invention, by the way), it likely would have sounded something like this:

"Sonja don't open the door, please."
"Haven, you're fine, baby."
"Sonja, leave the towel alone, Haven is sitting on it."
"Sonja, don't rattle the door, please."
"Sonja, can you please help Mama get you dressed?  It's like dressing a wet noodle..."
"Haven, I'll be right there, baby.  You're fine."
"Sonja stop playing with the door.  Please."
"Alright Haven, it's OK, baby.  Mama will dress you now."
"Sonja. Leave. The. Door. Alone."
"Calm down you guys, Mama's getting dressed.  I'm going as fast as I can."
"Stop touching the door.  Back away from the door.  NOW."
"Let's not do this again anytime soon."  

Of course, that last one was under my breath.  I didn't want to break Sonja's little heart or anything...

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