Saturday, February 26, 2011

Table antics.

You would think that since Sonja is two years older, she would be the one entertaining Haven, but I'm pleasantly surprised how often Sonja finds Haven's table antics hilarious.  It can make mealtimes both funny and memorable, but it can also make them very, very long.

The days where I have the patience, I take photos and play along. The days where I don't have the patience... well, no photos and lots of urging (bordering on pleading. I always imagine someone prompting me to eat each bite of my supper, or better yet, pretending my fork is an airplane in order to get me to eat. Absurd.).

As frustrating as it can be at the time, I am so glad they enjoy each other and laugh with each other. There have been times when the whole mealtime feels like it's going sideways and then all of a sudden they are laughing their heads off at each other and suddenly I'm laughing too. And once I join in, they both laugh even harder. Almost as if getting me to laugh had been the plan all along.

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