Thursday, February 3, 2011

Time is a rascal.

This my one-hundreth post on Once Little. One hundred! I didn't quite believe it, but it's true. I started this blog on a whim one night in late October and now here we are.

It's funny how the way you look at the passing of time completely alters your perception of the amount of time that has actually passed. For instance, I can't believe Sonja will be three-years old this month, since it seems like yesterday that she was born. But if I think about her life so far, there were moments that seemed so important and unforgettable when they were happening... and now I have to strain to remember them at all. 

Some things just feel so long ago, like the sleepless, helpless nights of teething and the fear of turning my back while Sonja was in the tub in case she fell over into the water. I'm being reminded of them now that Haven is reaching the same milestones, but when I think of Sonja's experiences, they feel far away. 

The same can be said for my own life. Someone will mention something about the 90's and I'll have to remind myself that the 90's ended over a decade ago. The other day, someone said something about their vehicle being a 1993 and although I knew that was an older car, I had to stop and actually calculate that it was almost twenty years old. Likewise, if someone asks me how old I am, I often find myself answering their question with a question: "I'm thirty ...six?

Really? Wasn't I twenty last year?

I actually was twenty in this picture.

Around twenty-one.

Around twenty-two.

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