Thursday, February 17, 2011


We had a guest stay over last night, so for the first time in months, Peter and I slept in the same room with Haven. Correction: attempted to sleep.

1. Haven ate some squash last night that did not agree with her.
2. Minutes after we're in bed (around 11.30pm), Haven starts to move about and then cough.
3. Cough turns into barfed squash everywhere.
4. I pick her up and Peter turns on the light and then she barfs all over me.
5. We clean her up, change her jammies, change her bedding and I try to settle her back into bed (midnight).
6. Yeah, right.
7. Haven notices that Peter and I are staying in the room and it's game over.
8. She decides it's party time and cries loudly and often.
9. Peter and I flee to the couches in the living room in desperation (1am), hoping she will calm down and go back to sleep.
10. Yeah, right.
11. I return to the bedroom to try to calm Haven down.
12. She barfs on me and our bed.
13. I clean her up and put her into another pair of fresh jammies while Peter changes the sheets on the bed.
14. I finally give up and take Haven out to the living room while Peter goes to bed.
15. Thank goodness for Netflix and the Princess Bride (2am).
16. I turn off the movie part-way through, turn off the lights and spend some time trying to convince Haven to sleep with me on the couch.
17. Miraculously, we both fall asleep around 3.15am.
18. I wake up at around 5am and go back into the bedroom to try to put Haven in her crib.
19. Yeah, right.
20. Peter gives us the bed at goes back out to the couch.
21. The best husband in the world gets up with Sonja at 6.30am and lets Haven and me sleep in until 8.15am.

Hands down the worst night I have spent with either of my daughters. Ever.

Haven does not have a fever and is showing no signs of any type of virus. But I remember when Sonja was fifteen-months old, she got a mean case of acid reflux that had her waking and vomiting in the night, every night, for over a week. We finally figured out what it was and it took another week or so for everything to get back to normal. I'm thinking Haven's stomach acids are all flared up right now and she's having trouble keeping food down as a result. Fun stuff.

Luckily we have been through this before and I know what to do to handle it and keep her as comfortable as possible, but it is still so hard to watch your baby be so sick in the night. Here's hoping she gets over it quickly...

Haven, four-months old.

Sonja, three-months old.

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