Sunday, November 28, 2010

Naps are wasted on the young.

Sonja, five-days old.

Naps are wasted on the young.  Really.  Trying to convince your child to nap just seems so counter-intuitive.  Don't they realize?? Mid-day sleep is some of the sweetest sleep there is!  I would nap everyday if I could, even if I were already getting a full night of sleep (which I'm not, I assure you).

Haven, ten-days old.

I took the opportunity to nap as much as possible when Sonja was a baby, and I usually just laid down beside her and slept while she did.  Those naps were the absolute best naps I have ever had in my life.  I have actually used the thought of those naps when I've had trouble getting to sleep at night.  It always works; the memory of Sonja's sweet-baby scent, the warmth of her snuggle, stealing time away from the day to do something that has nothing to do with housework... It doesn't get much better.

Sonja, six-months old, in the car seat.

And then something happened.  Sonja didn't want to nap anymore, so neither could I.  When it happened, Sonja was mad because I wanted her to sleep, and I was really mad, because I wanted my nap.  There were a couple times where I honestly felt like I was going to have a temper tantrum.  It was a hard time for sure and no one was happy.  Eventually the napping routine worked itself out, but I got away from napping and got into taking that time to get things done and to just have some time alone.  Down time is golden time, no matter how you slice it.

Haven, five-months old, in the car seat.

Things are different the second time around.  When Haven was born, I didn't have the same luxuries I had with Sonja; I couldn't just check out for an hour or two to have a nap, because I had a toddler.  They often napped at the same time and there were a few precious days when I did take the time to nap, but more often I found myself getting caught up on housework and using the down time to do little things for myself.  It was a trade off, but it worked for me at the time.

Sonja, seven-and-a-half-months old.

I don't know if it's the weather or if my crappy night-sleeping is just catching up with me (probably both), but I find myself starting to nod off lately in the middle if the day and I daydream about having a nap.  And today was the day.  I haven't run in a week and Peter offered to watch Haven while Sonja slept so that I could go.  I really wanted to go for that run... but I was exhausted and sleepy.  So instead, Peter took Haven out with him to run some errands and I climbed into bed for an hour-and-a-half nap.  Absolute heaven.  

Haven, seven-and-a-half-months old, with snow falling on her while she sleeps.

Oh nap, how I have missed you, my friend.

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