Wednesday, December 14, 2011

First time in front of an audience.

Sonja had her first preschool Christmas concert today and it was very sweet and very fun. I should warn you: most of the kids go two days a week and Sonja goes four, so she has another concert tomorrow and there will be more photos!

Yawning already? Uh oh.

The kids sang four songs and I really liked that they just picked a few of their favourite songs, not necessarily Christmas songs. Of course they sang Jingle Bells at the end, because every kid loves to sing Jingle Bells.

Haven lasted until the third song before she insisted on getting in on the action. The song was called the Bean Bag Dance, so all the kids had a bean bag and she simply had to have one. Plus, she loves to dance. It was actually perfect timing because Haven entered the scene around the same time that Sonja appeared to completely lose interest. 

The Jingle Bells finale.

And what better way to top off all that cuteness than to eat a whole bunch of sugary snacks? Yay! Cupcakes, cookies, haystacks and mini-mandarin oranges. Well, at least the oranges weren't too bad, but the girls' lunchtime sugar rush was epic.

Icing! Grrr!

So. Many. Cookies.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's instalment... 

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