Friday, May 13, 2011

I know a favour when I see one.

Well, wow. No post yesterday for the first time since I started this thing. One-hundred and ninety-six days/posts in a row and then Blogger is down for maintenance for over twenty hours and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm not upset exactly; I've been thinking for awhile that a day off (or a few days off) would be really nice, but in the back of my mind I've been shooting for the full year of posts before taking a break. ...and in the back of my mind I've been doubtful I would make it. 

So in some strange way, I'm thankful to Blogger because it was out of my hands and it's done and now I may not feel odd about taking a breather from what has in all essence become my third child (fourth if you count Jett) (fifth if you count Peter - just kidding, Babe).

I'm also taking the hint that if I don't post every single day, I can focus more on writing - real writing. Imagine: I can take my time writing something and actually polish it a little before posting it, so that when I go back and read it I won't think about all the things I would like to add or expand on. Because I do that all the time and it drives me a little nuts, to the point where I've found myself not wanting to write anything of any substance for fear that I'll let the imperfections haunt me. I have so many things I'd like to write about that will definitely require me to focus and if I allow myself to post less often, I can finally write them and hopefully write them well. What's that saying? Quality over quantity? Well, I've certainly done the quantity thing...

So yes, thank you Blogger. You may have pissed off a whole slew of folks yesterday, but surprisingly, I'm not one of them; I know a favour when I see one.

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