Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dancing in the air.

I wasn't sure if I would remember how to make those accordion-style paper dolls, but I was fairly certain that I would screw them up. Once I made them, I realized that the words "accordion-style" should have given me a clue about how they are made. ...Sometimes I wonder how I make it through the day with this brain.

Sonja and I taped the dolls to the window and later on I thought they would make a nice photo. I took a couple shots and then Sonja started getting into the frame, trying to get a closer look at the dolls. My initial reaction was, "Sonja, could you get down for a sec while Mama takes a picture?" But I stopped partway through the sentence and changed it to, "Sonja, could you get up and try to touch the dolls?" I have to be careful to not mention taking her picture, because once I do, she usually doesn't want to oblige. Ah, three-year-olds.

There is something so whimsical about seeing Sonja in silhouette against the sky, reaching up to those paper dolls. The dolls look like they are hovering, or dancing in the air; they look like they are trying to play with Sonja too. TImes like these, you know you are just lucky to be in the right place at the right time.

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