Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Strawberry and the (mostly friendly) Dragon (who sometimes roars).

This is during our dog walk before we went to our Hallowe'en party, before all the fun ...and before I convinced Haven that the little stirrups attached to her dragon feet would help keep her dragon legs from getting all twisted.

Stirrups in place, hand in hand; let's go.

This is before the running.

And this is during the running, but before the Dragon tears.

This is during the Dragon tears...

...and just after, but before the Mommy hug.

This is the Mommy hug that stopped the Dragon tears...

...and this is the Mommy-enforced smily photo.

These are the "we're tired of the camera so we're going to do whatever we feel like... sticking out our tongues...

...and looking super cute so you can't be annoyed" pictures.

This is leaving the park and getting ready to go to the Hallowe'en party.

This is the group shot at the Hallowe'en party. Post food and cookies, pre trick-or-treating.

This is a whole lot of really adorable kids who just can't wait to get their mitts on all the candy in the neighbourhood.

And these are amazing smiles on amazing kids. It was a really fun Hallowe'en. 

The Strawberry and the (mostly friendly) Dragon (who sometimes roars) had a fantastic time. And so did I.

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