Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chucking rocks.

The girls and I met up with some friends today at Goldstream park. We walked along the trails and by the stream and we actually saw a crayfish while we stood on one of the little bridges! 

"I can see it, Mama!"

"Me too, Mama! Me too!"

And once I convinced them that they were definitely not allowed to walk in the stream ("Next time we'll bring boots."), they were happy enough to chuck stones into the water. 

Is it just me, or do they look really big and grown up in these pictures? Especially Sonja. I know you can't see their faces, but maybe it's just something about the body language. Not babies anymore.

A woman actually commented to me recently that Haven is tall. My first instinct was to say, "She's actually small for her age," but then I remembered that Haven did have a growth spurt over the summer; she's outgrowing all her pants. Sigh. 

Well, at least they still wanted to hold my hand on the way back to the car. 

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