Saturday, October 30, 2010

Doing the math.

Here's me in my kindergarten photo, complete with a Mom haircut:

And here is Peter, in his kindergarten picture.  His hair may or may not have been cut by his Mom (but most likely was):

And this is us, over 25 years later, on the day we married:

And after all of that came these two:

Sonja, at 3 months old.

Haven, at 4 1/2 months old.

And it still boggles my mind.  Sonja is almost three years old now and I still look at her and think, "I can't believe she's from us."  I mean, scientifically I believe it of course, but my disbelief has nothing to do with biology or genetics or anything like that.  I watch her and Haven and I'm awed that their wonder at the world was made possible by their Dad and me.  I feel blessed everyday that I have these girls in my life; thankful to them.  But I'm reminded more and more that I also feel honoured and really, I'm grateful to my Mom and Dad for creating me.  The more I look at the old photos of myself, I see that spark of wonder in my eyes and I think, "Thanks."

So I'll sum it up by adding this photo of my Mom when she was about the same age as Sonja is now (just guessing):

Check out that spark in her eyes.


  1. Geez'd better label your photos - your girls look so much alike! Twenty years from now you might not be able to tell who is who! Love your blog by the way. I'm a bit behind as I only recently discovered it...looking forward to reading the rest!

  2. Thanks Nikki! Glad you are reading it. I know, if my pics weren't dated, I would have a hard time telling their baby photos apart. Crazy, eh?
