Monday, April 23, 2012

It was a big day.

It was a big day. A long day. No nap, lots of activity, lots of sun. A long walk with Jett in the park and then home to a movie while I cleaned the house. 

I was vacuuming the kitchen and I peeked into the living room and saw this:

I actually left the vacuum running while I took most of these photos; I didn't want the abrupt change in noise to jar Haven from her sleep. How funny is that? 

Besides the car, this is the first time Haven's fell asleep somewhere other than her bed in a very long time. Momentous and adorable, all at the same time.

But the best part by far was how pleased Sonja was to be snuggling her baby sister while she slept. She was actually a little disappointed when I finally finished my vacuuming and came in to wake Haven up.

Once Haven was awake, Sonja kept trying to kiss her and snuggle her again. I don't think she got the reaction she was hoping for; apparently Haven is much more agreeable when she's sleeping. ...I could have told her that.

I don't think either of these girls really understands how much they are loved by each other. But I'm glad I can see it.

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