Monday, January 3, 2011


I realize that there are "phases".  I know I shouldn't take it personally when Sonja acts out when she can't get her way and then hits me to get a reaction.  But I do take it personally, because it hurts my feelings.  

Try explaining that to a toddler.  For some reason I keep trying, I've even asked her, exasperated, "Do Mommy and Daddy ever hit you?"  And of course she answers "no".  But I know she doesn't really understand that when she hits me, I feel like I'm being hit by my child in every stage she has gone through to this point; I feel like the newborn Sonja just slapped my face.  

It's silly, but I always have this argument bubbling inside me: "But I do everything for you!  And everything I ever do is for you!"  I know better than to say it, however, because of course I do everything for her... she's not even three years old yet.

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