Tuesday, March 1, 2011

An eye for beauty.

It's time to admit the truth: I'm living vicariously through my kids. When I scroll through the thousands of photos I've taken since Sonja was born, I secretly wish that I had even a fraction of the amount of my own childhood photos. I don't blame my Mom; times were different back then. Besides, if digital didn't exist and we were all still shooting film, I highly doubt I would have even close to the same amount of photos...

But I still wish all the time that I had sequences of childhood photos like this one:

And I know that once the girls are grown (and have outgrown the embarrassment), they will be so glad they have these pictures. I hope they look at them and realize that I put a lot of myself into taking these photos; the eye on the other side of that lens is deeply, madly in love.

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