Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Friends with kids.

This morning, Sonja and Haven and I visited our friends Paul and Ginny and got to meet little baby Dillan, who was born December 9th.  And we weren't the only ones; our friend Gillie and her son Felix (Gillie writes an amazing blog called Ma Thoughts) were also there, so it was a great visit.  ...although Paul and Ginny's dogs weren't impressed, since they were banished to the yard for the duration.

Ginny, Paul, Dillan and the squishy bear that Haven picked out for Dillan.

Dillan weighed 6lbs, 5oz when he was born, which is very close to what our girls weighed (Sonja was 6lbs, 9oz and Haven was 6lbs, 7oz), but he looks so incredibly tiny.  I'll say what all parents eventually say: I can't believe my babies were ever that small.

The bear is as big as Dillan!

Puppy is not pleased with this arrangement. 

Why so serious, little man?

While all the adults focused on Dillan and talked about babies and labour and sleeping and feeding, Sonja, Haven and Felix played with each other and looked through the sliding glass doors at the dogs.

Paul and Felix.

Ginny and her perfect little Babe.

Gillie and Felix.

What a beautiful baby, what a lovely family.  And I kept my promise: I held him and kissed him and told him how lucky he is to be so loved by his amazing parents.  

I so look forward to watching Dillan grow and having playdates and family dinners.  Friendships do change when babies enter the equation.  That's one of the many reasons people with kids are so excited when their friends start having kids!

1 comment:

  1. Gillie mathoughts.comDecember 16, 2010 at 8:14 AM

    It was a lovely lovely visit - amazing shots as well to remember that by!
