Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thoughtful, retrospective.

When I started this blog, I didn't really plan on posting every day, but that is what has happened.  Why do I put this pressure on myself??  I know I don't have to post everyday, but I've actually enjoyed the challenge and it's given me a nice project to complete everyday that doesn't involve play groups, cooking or changing diapers.  The creative outlet has been invaluable.    

My plan is to start writing more short fiction in this blog, like I did with "Construction-paper horns."  I so enjoyed writing that story, even though it turned out far more melancholy than I had imagined when I first sat down to write.  I already have two new stories started in my head, but have yet to write them down.  All the fiction I will write will have something to do with childhood or parenting or children; I will try to stay true to the theme I originally laid out for Once Little.  

I also have a lot of non-fiction topics to write about, but sometimes they become elusive when I'm faced with the blank screen of a fresh post.  Like when you walk into a store and forget immediately what it was you came to buy.  I also want to take more photos that will coincide with the things I am posting; I'm afraid my camera has been languishing lately...  Getting out and taking pictures always gets me inspired.

It isn't snowing, but it's cloudy and cold and a good day for staying inside.  Days like today make me feel like hibernating.  So while I am looking ahead to what's next for Once Little, with the wintry weathertoday cannot help but be a thoughtful, retrospective day.  

Here's what came up while I was looking back; taken June 24th, 2009:

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Sara! I have been reading your blog lately and its great to read about Haven and Sonja and you! :) I missing you all tons and hope to see you before or on Christmas! :) Tell Uncle Peter, Sonja and Haven that I love and miss them!
    Llove you all lots, Mia Erickson. :)
