Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Running wild in the museum.

I got smart today and finally bought an annual membership to the Royal BC Museum. Duh; the kids are free until they are six! Why didn't I do this sooner?

We lucked out and were there at the same time as a whole bunch of other kids, so I was able to let the girls run a little wild. I didn't let them do anything crazy (no knocking over exhibits or running screaming through the place), but I didn't micromanage their visit. They were free to wander and explore and they had a total blast.

The permanent exhibits are always fun and interesting, but the highlight for me was Wildlife Photographer of the Year. The images are truly amazing and I could have stayed in there all day.

Of course we had to visit the mammoth multiple times during our visit. I still remember the first time I saw the mammoth when I was eight-years old; I stood there with my mouth hanging open because it looked so real. I love that it sparks as much wonder with Sonja and Haven as it did with me so many years ago. I'll happily stand in front of that mammoth as many times and for as long as they want.

Sonja is already asking when we can go back to the "moozeem". Very soon and probably pretty often over the winter. But let's be careful to not wear it out, shall we?

Checking out the wetlands.

Haven gleefully led us off course and into a random hallway.
They both loved it and it took some convincing to get them back to the exhibits.

Haven practised her running while I gushed over the photographs.

Seriously, they would have hung out in the hallways and corridors all afternoon.
Although the view was pretty nice from the top floor...

First Nations exhibit. It's interesting how the girls automatically
quieted down when we entered this room.

"Can you stay still for Mama? OK, maybe not your feet..."

Silent-movie theatre.

"Mama, I want that horse." (It was a My Little Pony from the 90's.)
"It's part of the exhibit, Baby; it's not for sale."
(Confused silence.)

Chillin' with the Elk, yo.

Shhh. It's a bear.

Sonja's best sea-lion impression.

Mammoth awe: she was fascinated and afraid all at the same time.

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