Friday, November 19, 2010

Tired body, foggy mind.

I'm feeling a little wiped today.  Not sure why, maybe it's post-family-vacation fatigue.  Yes, it's most likely that.  

I bundled the girls up and packed them into the Chariot this morning and ran the 5km to Strong Start, the pre-Kindergaten program run through local Elementary schools.  It's a fantastic program: great teacher, great toys, great crafts, gym twice a week, great parents, great socialization for little ones, great snacktime and it's free.  We have been going since Sonja was just a little older than Haven is now.  She hadn't even started crawling yet.  Here are some pics taken over the last two years of going to Strong Start:

We got to Strong Start this morning around 9.45am and stayed until closing time, at 11.45am.  It's great that I can manage to get it together to run with the girls that early in the morning, but after standing around and playing on the floor for two hours, the 5km run home can be pretty rough.  But I survived, even with a tired body and a foggy mind.

What is it about getting away from it all that is so tiring?  Well in my case, two kids under age three may have something to do with it, but I know it's more than that.  I think it's the break in the routine and the liberties that affords me.  My mind wakes up a lot when I'm not doing the same things day in and day out.  I think a lot more about and do things I don't always have that much time or energy for: window shopping, strolling, sightseeing, loafing, drinking more tea (if that's possible), drinking alcohol.  Most importantly, I often feel more creative when I'm out of my natural environment.  The entire time we were in Tofino, I was looking for more and more photo opportunities, especially of Sonja and Haven, and especially at the beach.  I am very happy with how things turned out in that respect, I captured some amazing images.  

When we arrived home yesterday, I was grumpy and tired.  I realize now that I am fighting the routine, I am rebelling against the return to the everyday.  Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, I love my life, I just get bogged down in the details of my kids and my life.  So maybe instead of being tired and grumpy about it, I should focus on what lies within the details: my kids and my life.  All the inspiration I really need.  Now I just need to figure out why my mind always works in a somewhat annoyingly-circular manner...

More pics from Tofino, just because:

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sara, All of the pics came through and we love them! Thanks! It was nice to talk to you tonight.

    LOTS of love, Mom
